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  • Coral Care Series: Hammers

    Coral Care Series: Hammers

    Today we are going to continue with our Euphyllia based coral series and introduce the hammer coral.  The hammer coral is popular amongst reef-aquarium hobbyists because of its bright coloration...

    Blaine Shively |

  • Coral Care Series: Torches

    Coral Care Series: Torches

    Your Guide to Caring For A Torch Coral   Torch Corals fall under the Genus Euphyllia and are considered a large polyp stony coral (LPS). A Torch Coral stands out...

    Blaine Shively |

  • Coral Care Series: Frogspawn Coral & Octospawn Coral

    Coral Care Series: Frogspawn Coral & Octospawn Coral

    Everything You Need To Know About Frogspawn Coral & Octospawn Coral Frogspawn coral and Octospawn coral are LPS Corals that fall under the genus Euphyllia. They come in a wide...

    Blaine Shively |

  • How to Change Your Saltwater Tank Water

    How to Change Your Saltwater Tank Water

    Regular water changes are essential to keep the aquatic life in your tank at optimal health by removing waste and toxins that can harm your plants and animals over time....

    Blaine Shively |

  • Acclimating Coral Frags for Maximum Health and Lifespan

    Acclimating Coral Frags for Maximum Health and Lifespan

    Acclimating Coral Frags for Maximum Health and Lifespan When you embark on the journey that is owning and maintaining corals, it’s essential to brush up on the very basics — namely,...

    Blaine Shively |

  • What Is the Best Lighting for Reef Aquariums?

    What Is the Best Lighting for Reef Aquariums?

    Aquarists have been using different types of lighting to illuminate their reef aquariums for many years. While there are a few different popular types of lighting available on the market,...

    Blaine Shively |

  • Coral Care Series: Chalices

    Coral Care Series: Chalices

      Chalice corals are one of the first collector corals desired by reef hobbyists. The reef hobby has coined the name chalice for several different genus of chalice coral: mycedium,...

    Blaine Shively |

  • Coral Care Series: Candy Canes

    Coral Care Series: Candy Canes

      Candy Cane CoralsTrumpets, also known as candy cane coral, belong to the Caulastrea coral species, though the recent introduction of the genus Astraeosmilia now splits this type of coral...

    Blaine Shively |

  • Coral Care Series: Montipora

    Coral Care Series: Montipora

      Montipora Digitata There are many different varieties of Montipora, such as Montipora Digitata, Montipora Palawanensis, Montipora Aequituberculata and Montipora Capricornis, to name a few. In this video, we will...

    Blaine Shively |

  • Coral Care Series: Rock Flower Anemones

    Coral Care Series: Rock Flower Anemones

    Rock Flower Anemones originate from the Caribbean and are most well known for their ruffled skirts and intense multicolored bodies that come in an endless array of patterns and textures. They...

    Blaine Shively |

  • Coral Care Series: Mushroom Corals

    Coral Care Series: Mushroom Corals

    Mushroom Corals are debatably the easiest type of soft coral to keep. They are nearly indestructible in the right conditions, aren't aggressive, and grow quickly making them a top contender...

    Blaine Shively |