TSA Warp Speed Favia Coral


SKU: RD6_V3_050223

Tags: Favia


Product Title: TSA Warp Speed Favia Coral

Product Description: WYSIWYG – you will receive the exact piece shown. All frag plugs are 3/4" - 1" unless otherwise stated.

Introducing the TSA Warp Speed Favia, a testament to the beauty and diversity of LPS coral. This particular piece is renowned for its vibrant colors and intricate patterns, making it a standout addition to any marine aquarium. The TSA Warp Speed Favia is not only a visual spectacle but also an indicator of a healthy and thriving reef environment, adapting well to a range of lighting and flow conditions.

At Top Shelf Aquatics, we are committed to providing the highest quality of live corals, including a premier selection of corals for sale and premium aquacultured corals. Each coral is meticulously cared for and acclimated to ensure it arrives at your aquarium in peak condition, ready to thrive.

Top Shelf Aquatics Recommended Feeds

All corals grown in our aquaculture facility are lit by Ecotech Marine Radion XR30’s and powered by a mix of Ecotech Marine Vortech Pumps and Sicce Wave Makers.