Peppermint Shrimp



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Peppermint Shrimp are very popular within the saltwater aquarium hobby as they consume aiptasia and are excellent scavengers. These shrimp do best in a home aquarium that has plenty of live rock with ample hiding places as well as open spaces for them to scavenge for food. These ornamental shrimp are brightly colored with a clear or slightly white body with several thin red bands. As consumers of aiptasia they have long been a favorite amongst saltwater aquarium hobbyists. It is important to note that these shrimp will not harm desirable anemone species such as bubble tip anemones. Peppermint Shrimp should not be kept with aggressive fish such as triggers, hawkfish or lion fish as they will quickly become prey. These shrimp are less territorial than other shrimp and are fairly social. They are an excellent addition to any clean up crew and will help manage waste in any home aquarium.