Borbonius (Blotchy) Anthias Fish

$47499 $64999

You will receive a fish SIMILAR in design and size to the fish in the photo. This is NOT a WYSIWYG fish.
SKU: AWIF-BorbAnthias
Approx. Size: 1.5" to 3"

Borbonius Anthias, also known as Blotchy Anthias, are stunning deepwater fish prized for their unique coloration and striking patterns. Their bodies display a mix of pink, yellow, and golden hues with distinctive blotchy markings, making them a standout addition to any reef aquarium. Their graceful swimming and peaceful nature further enhance their appeal among marine aquarists.

Tank Requirements

Borbonius Anthias require a spacious tank of at least 100 gallons to accommodate their active swimming behavior. They prefer a well-structured environment with plenty of caves, ledges, and rockwork to provide shelter and mimic their natural deepwater habitat. Moderate to low lighting conditions are ideal, as they are accustomed to dimly lit depths.

Sensitive to Water Quality

Like many deepwater species, Borbonius Anthias are sensitive to water fluctuations and require stable, high-quality conditions. Pristine water quality, regular maintenance, and efficient filtration are essential to prevent stress-related diseases. A well-oxygenated environment with consistent temperature and salinity levels is crucial for their long-term health.

Diet and Feeding

Borbonius Anthias are carnivorous and thrive on a diet of high-quality marine foods. They require frequent feedings of small live or frozen foods such as mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and finely chopped seafood. While they may accept pellet or flake foods over time, a varied diet rich in meaty offerings helps maintain their vibrant colors and overall health.