TSA Spearmint Candy Alveopora Coral

$13499 $14899

low light

medium flow

Tags:   LPS WYSIWYG Coral

SKU: RD3_G4_030525

Introduction to Alveopora

Alveopora corals (Alveopora spp.) are a captivating type of Large Polyp Stony (LPS) coral, admired for their delicate, flower-like polyps and graceful movement. While often compared to Goniopora corals, Alveopora are distinguishable by their 12 tentacles per polyp, compared to the 18–24 tentacles of Goniopora.

These corals are available in a range of beautiful colors, including soft greens, purples, and whites, often with a subtle fluorescent glow under actinic lighting. Alveopora corals are moderately hardy, making them a fantastic choice for intermediate hobbyists or beginners ready to explore more diverse coral species. Their unique structure and dynamic motion bring a touch of elegance to any reef tank.

Natural Habitat and Origin

Alveopora are native to the warm, tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, including areas like Indonesia, Fiji, and the Great Barrier Reef. They are typically found in shallow to moderately deep reef zones, often in lagoons or protected areas where water movement is gentle and light intensity is moderate.

In their natural habitat, Alveopora corals thrive on sandy or rocky substrates, often forming clusters that sway gracefully with the current. Their adaptability to varying conditions in the wild translates well to home aquariums, making them a resilient and rewarding addition to reef tanks.

Water Chemistry

Alveopora corals thrive in stable water conditions with moderate nutrient levels, similar to many other LPS corals. Maintaining consistent water parameters will help them grow and display their best colors.

Ideal Parameters:

  • Calcium: 400–450 ppm
  • Alkalinity: 8–10 dKH
  • Magnesium: 1250–1350 ppm
  • Nitrates: 5–15 ppm
  • Phosphates: <0.10 ppm
  • Temperature: 76–80°F
  • Salinity: 1.024–1.026

Alveopora corals benefit from slightly elevated nutrient levels but are sensitive to drastic parameter fluctuations. Regular water changes and frequent parameter testing will help maintain their health and ensure steady growth.


Alveopora thrive under low to moderate lighting conditions, with a PAR range of 50–150 being ideal. Excessively bright light can cause stress and inhibit polyp extension, while too little light may slow their growth and reduce their vibrant coloration.

At Top Shelf Aquatics, we use advanced lighting systems such as Ecotech Marine Radions, T5 setups, and metal halides to create optimal lighting conditions for Alveopora corals. Blue-spectrum lighting is particularly effective for enhancing their fluorescent tones, making their colors stand out beautifully.

When introducing Alveopora corals to your tank, gradual acclimation to the lighting is essential. Start by placing them in a shaded or low-light area and slowly increase light exposure over 2–3 weeks to avoid stress or bleaching.

Water Flow

Alveopora corals prefer moderate to gentle water flow that allows their delicate, flower-like polyps to sway naturally without being subjected to excessive turbulence. Strong, direct currents can cause their polyps to retract and may lead to tissue stress, while very low flow can allow debris to settle on their surfaces, hindering growth.

At Top Shelf Aquatics, we use advanced flow systems like Ecotech Marine MP pumps, Reef Octopus Octo Pulse systems, and Sicce pumps to create randomized and gentle flow patterns. This setup replicates the natural reef zones where Alveopora corals thrive, ensuring they remain healthy and display their characteristic movement.

When placing Alveopora corals in your tank, look for areas where the flow is indirect but consistent, helping to deliver nutrients and prevent debris buildup without overwhelming their polyps.

What We Feed

Alveopora corals rely primarily on their symbiotic zooxanthellae for energy, but supplemental feeding with small-particle foods can significantly enhance their growth, coloration, and overall health. These corals do not consume meaty foods and benefit most from fine, planktonic feeds.

Recommended Foods:

  • Tisochrysis
  • Rhodomonas
  • Tetraselmis
  • Products like Reef Roids and Benepets Coral Food

Feeding is best done by gently target-feeding near the coral’s polyps using a pipette or turkey baster. Pausing the water flow for 10–15 minutes ensures the food remains suspended around the coral long enough for it to absorb the nutrients effectively.

Common Challenges

Although Alveopora corals are moderately hardy, they can face specific challenges in reef tanks if not properly cared for:

  • Bleaching: Exposure to excessive lighting or sudden changes in light intensity can lead to bleaching. Gradual acclimation to your tank’s lighting is essential to prevent stress and maintain their colors.
  • Tissue Retraction: Inconsistent water parameters or overly strong water flow can cause their polyps to retract and hinder growth. Ensuring stable conditions and moderate flow will help avoid this issue.
  • Polyp Bailout: In extreme stress conditions, such as poor water quality or rapid parameter fluctuations, Alveopora corals may experience polyp bailout, where their polyps detach from the skeleton. Maintaining stable parameters and avoiding sudden environmental changes can prevent this issue.
  • Debris Accumulation: Alveopora corals can collect detritus on their delicate polyps, leading to irritation or tissue damage. Proper water flow and periodic gentle cleaning help prevent this problem.
  • Pest Interactions: Certain pests, such as flatworms or nudibranchs, may target Alveopora corals. Routine coral inspections and dips are effective measures for preventing infestations.

Acclimation Guide

Proper acclimation is essential for ensuring the health and success of Alveopora corals in their new environment. Follow these steps to minimize stress and help your coral adjust smoothly:

  1. Temperature Acclimation: Float the sealed bag in your aquarium for 15–20 minutes to equalize the temperature. This prevents sudden temperature shocks that could stress the coral.
  2. Drip Acclimation: While not mandatory, drip acclimation is highly recommended for Alveopora corals. Gradually mix tank water with the shipping water over 30–45 minutes to allow the coral to adjust to differences in salinity and water chemistry.
  3. Lighting Acclimation: Alveopora corals naturally thrive under low to moderate light conditions. Begin by placing the coral in a shaded or lower-light area of your tank. Gradually increase light exposure over 2–3 weeks to avoid bleaching or stress.
  4. Placement: Secure the coral to a stable area using reef-safe glue or epoxy. Position it in an area with moderate water flow to ensure its polyps can sway naturally while avoiding debris buildup.