Blue Eye Green Star Polyps Coral

$2999 $3499

medium light

low flow

You will receive a frag SIMILAR in shape and size to the coral in the photo. This is NOT a WYSIWYG frag.

<h3>Introduction to Green Star Polyp</h3>
<p>Green Star Polyps (Pachyclavularia spp.) are a popular soft coral known for their bright green, star-shaped polyps and mat-like growth. These corals are appreciated for their ability to spread across rockwork or substrate, creating a colorful and dynamic addition to reef tanks.</p>
<p>Hardy and fast-growing, GSP are well-suited for hobbyists of all experience levels. They thrive in a range of tank setups and require minimal care, making them a practical choice for filling gaps or adding a touch of green to your aquascape.</p>

<br><h3>Natural Habitat and Origin</h3>
<p>Green Star Polyps are found throughout the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific, including regions like Indonesia, Fiji, and the Great Barrier Reef. They thrive in a variety of reef environments, from shallow lagoons to deeper reef slopes, often attaching to rocks, dead coral skeletons, or other hard substrates.</p>
<p>In the wild, GSP are known for their adaptability, thriving in areas with varying light levels and water flow. This resilience translates well to home aquariums, where they quickly adjust to different tank conditions and become a robust addition to reef systems.</p>

<br><h3>Water Chemistry</h3>
<p>Green Star Polyps are highly adaptable and tolerant of a wide range of water conditions, making them an excellent choice for beginners. However, maintaining stable parameters will ensure steady growth and vibrant coloration.</p>
<p>Ideal Parameters:</p>
  <li>Calcium: 380–450 ppm</li>
  <li>Alkalinity: 8–12 dKH</li>
  <li>Magnesium: 1250–1350 ppm</li>
  <li>Nitrates: 5–20 ppm</li>
  <li>Phosphates: &lt;0.10 ppm</li>
  <li>Temperature: 76–80°F</li>
  <li>Salinity: 1.024–1.026</li>
<p>While GSP can tolerate slightly elevated nutrient levels, regular water changes and stable conditions will keep them healthy and prevent unwanted algae growth on their mats.</p>

<p>Green Star Polyps thrive under a wide range of lighting conditions, from low to high intensity. However, moderate lighting is often ideal, as it promotes steady growth without risking bleaching or algae overgrowth on the mat. A PAR range of 50–150 is suitable for these corals.</p>
<p>At Top Shelf Aquatics, we use advanced lighting systems like Ecotech Marine Radions and T5 setups to provide the optimal spectrum for GSP. Blue-spectrum lighting, in particular, enhances their vibrant green coloration, making them a bright addition to any reef tank.</p>

<br><h3>Water Flow</h3>
<p>Green Star Polyps prefer moderate to strong water flow, which helps keep their mat-like base free of detritus and promotes healthy polyp extension. Adequate flow also prevents algae or debris from accumulating on their surface, ensuring optimal growth and coloration.</p>
<p>At Top Shelf Aquatics, we use advanced flow systems such as Ecotech Marine MP pumps, Reef Octopus Octo Pulse systems, and Sicce pumps to create varied and consistent water movement. These systems mimic the natural reef environments GSP thrive in, supporting their health and growth.</p>
<p>When placing GSP in your tank, choose an area with steady, indirect flow that allows the polyps to sway gently. Avoid direct, high-intensity currents that could cause retraction or inhibit their ability to open fully.</p>

<br><h3>What We Feed</h3>
<p>Green Star Polyps primarily rely on their symbiotic zooxanthellae for energy, but supplemental feeding with small-particle foods can enhance their growth and coloration. While they do not require frequent feeding, occasional supplementation can help them thrive.</p>
<p>Recommended Foods:</p>
  <li>Products like Reef Roids and Benepets Coral Food</li>
<p>Feeding is best done by lightly dusting their polyps with food using a pipette or turkey baster. Pausing the water flow for 10–15 minutes ensures the food stays suspended around the coral long enough for it to absorb nutrients effectively.</p>

<br><h3>Common Challenges</h3>
<p>Green Star Polyps are hardy and low-maintenance, but they can still encounter a few challenges in reef tanks:</p>
  <li><strong>Algae Overgrowth:</strong> GSP’s mat-like base (coenenchyme) can become a target for nuisance algae if nutrient levels are too high or flow is insufficient. Ensuring moderate flow and maintaining good water quality will prevent algae buildup.</li>
  <li><strong>Overgrowth:</strong> Due to their fast growth rate, GSP can overrun other corals or spread to unwanted areas of the tank. Regular trimming or isolating them on a separate rock can help manage their spread.</li>
  <li><strong>Polyp Retraction:</strong> Poor water quality, insufficient flow, or sudden environmental changes may cause GSP to retract their polyps for extended periods. Monitoring tank conditions and maintaining stability will encourage their polyps to reopen.</li>
  <li><strong>Pest Interactions:</strong> Pests like bristle worms or certain algae-eating snails may irritate the coral. Routine inspection and maintenance help prevent these issues.</li>

<br><h3>Acclimation Guide</h3>
<p>Proper acclimation is essential for ensuring Green Star Polyps adjust smoothly to their new environment. Follow these steps to minimize stress and promote healthy growth:</p>
  <li><strong>Temperature Acclimation:</strong> Float the sealed bag in your aquarium for 15–20 minutes to equalize the temperature. This prevents sudden temperature shock, which can stress the coral.</li>
  <li><strong>Drip Acclimation:</strong> While not mandatory, drip acclimation is recommended for GSP. Gradually mix your tank water with the shipping water over 30–45 minutes to allow the coral to adjust to differences in salinity and water chemistry.</li>
  <li><strong>Lighting Acclimation:</strong> Green Star Polyps can thrive in a range of light conditions, but gradual acclimation is important. Start by placing the coral in a shaded or lower-light area and gradually increase exposure over 1–2 weeks to avoid stress or bleaching.</li>
  <li><strong>Placement:</strong> Attach the GSP to rockwork or a stable area using reef-safe glue or epoxy. Position it in a location with moderate to strong water flow to prevent detritus buildup and promote healthy polyp extension.</li>

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