DI Resin - AquaFX

AquaFX  |  SKU: 925005J  |  Barcode: 703610924574

Tags:   Reverse Osmosis


AquaFX Premium Blend Mix-Bed DI Resin - Made in the USA (Most are not)

  • Virgin Resin (not recycled)
  • Color-Indicating - changes from dark blue to Orange/Rust Red
  • Made in the USA (Most are not)
  • Ultra-pure, 18 Mega Ohm Resistivity
  • Nuclear Grade
  • Mix-Bed of Cation & Anion Deionization Resin

Feel confidence as you pack your DI filter with the one and only DI resin trusted by Reef and Saltwater aquariums for the past two decades. This is the only DI resin used to make water for MACNA (New Orleans 2017) along with countless aquarium shows since.

Achieve the same water quality desired by Universities and Laboratories around the globe with our AquaFX Premium Blend Color-Change DI resin.

Replace the DI resin in your AquaFX system today if you are no longer at zero ppm. This DI resin will also work in any RO/DI system with a refillable filter shell, such as TSA, Spectrapure, Vertex, IceCap - If you are not sure, feel free to call us today and ask

NOTE: Most 10" DI Cartridges will hold approximately 1.25 lb of DI resin. 7.5lb will fill approximately 6 cartridges.